Sweet Sunday: Banana Strawberry Smoothie

Lately, I have been looking around the internet and found out how many recipes exist for smoothies. Regarding this, let me tell you one thing: I feel lazy to make them every day! Lol… This is my must-drink smoothie for every single day. It leaves me feeling full and ready to start my day.

I’ve been trying to have a system where my recipes work out fine and easy and this is how it works for this Banana Strawberry shake.

1st Have your ingredients ready

What do I mean by that? Clean your strawberries right after buying them. Also, display the bananas in a fruit bowl. Why? So you remember you have them! Don’t let them spoil

2nd Avoid all the measuring

I’ve learned when I try to do things by measuring I feel even lazier! So try to learn how to make them without any measurements.

3rd Have your items ready

Get a glass cup, mason jar, something that you can use every day, so you can have the same every day!

This is how it works. You have 2 options you can use frozen fruit or fresh fruit.


2 Bananas

3 Strawberries 

Almond Milk


FRESH FRUIT: Cut the bananas in chunks. Cut the strawberries. Then, fill the cup you are going to use up to 3/4 with almond milk. After you fill it up, pour the milk into the milkshake. The reason behind this is that you won’t waste any extra smoothie after serving it.

FROZEN: Cut 2 bananas and 2 strawberries into small slices and put them in a Ziploc bag.   Put them in the freezer.

Put the bag in the fridge the night before and it will be thawed in the morning! And finally, put it in the blender with the almond milk.

*If you want to make it green, put some spinach into it. You won’t even taste the green! I guarantee you.





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